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The iconic Brendon Urie

Brendon Boyd Urie, born in April 12,1987(33years old), is an american singer, songwritter and musician well known as the lead vocalist of Panic! At the Disco. Sadlly, is the only original member remaing today.

In my opinion, this man is like an angel, he is an amazing person and professional. The level of his talent is insane, his vocals are like... crazy. His voice can range four octaves and this notes are known as the basic miracles of music.
Reinforcing the angel he is, Urie has always been very open about his mental health and sexuality and, despite being married to a woman, admitted to being pansexual. He supports LGBT Comunity and in his concerts, he always have a pride flag. He also made a colaboration with Taylor Swift with the song "Me" and, by the way, was amazing as always.

In May 2018, Panic! At the Disco released the "Pray for the Wicked" album that, turns out, was a sucsess like the previous albuns but, this one contributed for the creation of Highest Hopes Foundation.The foundation supports other non-profit organizations that advocate for human rights and support communities who are discriminated.To start of the funding of this foundation, Urie donated 1 million dollars and gave some part of the purchase of every Us ticket for the Pray for the Wicked Tour to the foundation.


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